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PNG to AVIF Converter

Our platform offers a fast, free, and secure way to convert PNG images to the advanced AVIF format.
No software download is necessary—simply upload your PNG files, click convert, and download your AVIF images in moments.
We ensure your privacy by not storing any files after conversion.
Currently, only files smaller than 10MB can be processed.


How do I use the PNG to AVIF Converter?

Using our PNG to AVIF Converter is easy. Just upload your PNG files, click the convert button, and download the AVIF files. The process is straightforward and efficient.

Is the PNG to AVIF Converter free?

Yes, our PNG to AVIF Converter is completely free. There are no hidden fees or charges.

Can I convert multiple PNG files to AVIF at once?

Yes, our PNG to AVIF Converter supports batch processing, so you can convert multiple PNG files to AVIF in one go.

Is the PNG to AVIF Converter an online tool?

Yes, our PNG to AVIF Converter is entirely online. You don't need to download or install any software.

Does the PNG to AVIF Converter store my files?

No, your privacy is our priority. Our PNG to AVIF Converter does not retain any of your files after the conversion process is finished.

Are there any file size limitations for the PNG to AVIF Converter?

Our PNG to AVIF Converter can handle most file sizes, though extremely large files may have some limitations. If you encounter issues, try reducing the file size or processing files in batches.

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